How it works
3 ways to do only good everyday this October
Support autistic kids by harnessing the power of Doge! Join the Kabosu 4 Kids and make a difference. Team up with Variety - the Children's Charity, Atkuso and Own The Doge in doing good for the month of October - or as we like to say, Dogetober! - in the lead up to Doge Day on 2 November with a big announcement of the impact we have made together.
Sign up to fundraise as an individual, DAO or org and invite your friends and extended network to donate.
Make a donation directly or to a fundraiser in fiat or crypto - we accept over 100 coins including DOGE!
Share your fundraiser, celebrate your donation or simply bark outloud about Kabuso 4 Kids on socials!
very support
Much Impact
Funds raised through Kabuso 4 Kids will be life chaning for Autistic kids - from service dogs to technology, your support makes a difference! Service dogs are working animals that are specially trained to help Austistic kids to manage sensory issues, move around, do everyday activities and tasks, and be more independent. Grants to support Autism are our most requested area of support and can range from sensory equipment and rooms, educational devices and support, assistive technology and more.
Endorsed by Atsuko and Own The Doge
Variety - the Children's Charity is proud to be officially endorsed and supported by Own The Doge and the Dogemother Atsuko, supporting kids in need and celebrating the impact of Kabosu on the world.
doge day
In celebration
Following the Kabosu 4 Kids fundraiser, Variety – the Children’s Charity has the joyful and impawtant job of distributing the Doge community’s impact to kids in need with a very special announcement at Doge Day on 2 November in Japan!
very kindness
Top Doges Wall of Fame - Crypto
Top Fundraisers
Top Donors
About Variety - the Children's Charity
In March 2024, thanks to Own the Doge, NFD and Oshi Gallery, Variety was the charity recipient of the world's first Doge exhibition.
Funds raised helped Variety in our work to provide life-changing equipment and programs to kids living with disbability, illness or disadvantage.
Variety works closely with the crypto philanthropy community to maximize our impact for kids in need.